Fire Insurance consultant

Mr D.N Sharma Fire Insurance consultant in Delhi

Thursday 16 June 2011

Motor insurance policy quotes 2011

Motor insurance policy quotes 2011 : According to the coverage of risks, Motor Insurance Policies can be divided as under. Act policy : This policy is compulsory under Motor Vehicle Act, 1939 which provides for compulsory Insurance regarding liabilities 4 arising out of motor vehicle's use in a public blurb. This policy covers the' legal liability to tried parties on Accidental death or injury caused from the use of motor vehicle in a public place. The Act prescribes the extent to which a click should be taken. In short, this type of insurance is compulsory for accidental death and personal injuries.
has ' given the following The Motor Vehicle Act Section 95 (2) as given limits of insurance cover in respect of accident.
(a) Goods Vehicles : In this cam the cover is even ups Rs 50,000 for death and body injury and accidental cover of Rs 50,000 is given if employee is engaged as driver and employees.
(b) Passenger Vehicles : In case of passenger vehicles cover is   given as (i) for hire or reward (ii) if passengers are carried for hire given Rs. 50,000 in all (iii) its. 50,000 for carrying not less the 30 passengers (iv) 75,000 for carrying passengers not less the 30 but not more than 60 (v) Rs. 1,00,000 for carrying passengers more the 60.
' (c) Other Vehicles : In case of other vehicles insurance cover is given as per amount of liability incurred or provided othewise.
2. Comprehensive policy : Comprehensive policy protects against all the losses or damages to the motor ear. There are certain sacked risks which are usually covered under comprehensive policy. But the her risks may be added to those specified by paying extra premium. other This policy covers the following risks. .
(i) Damage to car parts or body.   
(ii) Removal charges for repairs.
(iii) Third part liabilities.
(iv) Cost ' and expenses incurred with risk.
(v) Repair charges and .
(xi) medical expenses.

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